Friday, November 2, 2012

TIC's thought of the day: "If you can always choose what to feel (what emotion to get extreme with, if you will), then no person or thing can ever control you. Choose appreciation and happiness all the time and "let go" EMOTIONALLY of any thing or person causing you to lean towards negative thoughts or emotions, and you will truly control your life and how much you enjoy it. The universe will bend to your will. Jesus, Budhha, Confucius, Thoth (Hermes) and a plethora of other "messiah" types have brought these truths to humanity, but we always seem to lose sight of them for negativity somehow. It's 2012, though.....time to break the cycle. If you're not ready to upgrade, you'll be useless and unwanted like the rest of the old computers and parts that'll get thrown out." ~LUNATIC The Messiah

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